Oskar Urbanski
Founder and Creator

Oskar’s personal philosophy has been synthesized into form from three decades of Struggles, Experiences, Explorations and Discovery - where his SEED did germinate, was planted and has broken ground to flower into who he is at his core… a “Guide By Your Side”, available to help you find and plant your’s.

Richard Rudd, founder of the Gene Keys, has made reference to the SEED as the Shadow of his foundational 3 part human vibrational levels of Shadow, Gift and Siddhi - referring to the fact that the gift is in the Shadow ( in the SEED).

Oskar’s journey has taken place along many thoroughfares, as well as where most have not ventured (which includes the Gene Keys), leading to today... coming to a place, where it is now time to share what has been found and embodied.

All of this has taken on a name “Solicious” form Delicious Solace… a safe harbour for the true core work Richard Rudd keeps inviting use along each of our Gene Keys journey, and best said in his Solar Plexus description in the glossary

“It is through the complex ganglia of the solar plexus that our individual, racial and collective memories (sanskaras) are being transformed. The genetic mutations in our gut will dramatically change our physiology — gradually human beings are evolving the means to draw and digest higher frequency currents into our bodies.” - Richard Rudd

As a caucasian, at the young age of 33 Oskar was enjoying a quite evening when his life was never the same again. The spirit world paid him an unexpected visit. As Oskar was in prayer a never experienced before, a vail lifted just long enough for Oskar to experience what he did, capturing his curiosity, sending him on a new unexpected journey , his dharma.

Oskar was invited on an indigenous path, as a Shaman would take his apprentice to the underworld, including showing him the ways of its peoples, gifting him with its rituals and ceremonial traditions awakening what was waiting to be awoken.

Years into this journey Oskar eventually arrived onto the GeneKeys pathway … the Hologenic path. The GeneKeys have been the Shaman Oskar has been shown years before. To Oskar, the GeneKeys is a Shamanic Synthesis.

For Oskar, the GeneKeys is the Shaman who takes its apprentice to the underworld … planting the SEED into the depths of the underworld, guiding you to your true self, helping the SEED then break ground, grow its roots and flower to its Gifts to be the very person you are here to be. If you are an apple tree, be that apple tree, don’t try to be a peach tree.

Cultivating at least 30 years of his personal dynamic journey, at “64”, Oskar is here now to be a “Guide By Your Side”, for you to have your “Delicious Solace” experience — “Liberating Adversities” personally and collectively Nature’s Way, revealing a Natural You (in your belly).

Oskar offers are very practical down to earth Natural Way, demystifying myth that may otherwise seem out of reach.

Oskar is one of the few caucasians shown Hopi’s Prophesy Rock by its elder Grandfather Martin on the Hopi Reservation in Northern Arizona. This prophesy touches on similarities Richard Rudd speaks of throughout his work… that we have a choice to do the work or not — and if we do, we will be most grateful beyond our present understanding.

Along the path of these few decades, Oskar has also embarked on experiences and teachings of the Merkaba, sacred geometry, Myths, and both Buddhism, Christianity but not in their conventional way.

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